
Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Welcome to MACH Acoustics Blog!

The aim of MACH Acoustics is to become one of the leading acoustic consultants in the field of sustainable building design. This aim means that we specifically focus on projects around sustainable architecture and Eco buildings. A considerable portion of our time is therefore spent looking to solve some of the conflicts between acoustics and low carbon, sustainable constructions.

Acoustics and sustainability are not often spoken about together. On the other hand, air conditioning systems are often used to overcome noise ingress issues. Thermal mass cooling; exposed concrete soffits for example, can make buildings sound loud, harsh and noisy. Cross ventilation, exhaust stacks and other air ventilation systems can compromise the acoustic cross talk between office buildings accommodation and teaching spaces within educational buildings. Vented facades in combination with ventilation louvers and other types of air ventilation systems within the fenestrations of a building are often used to prevent noise ingress. Buildings are often built using high mass structures to achieve acoustic requirements.

These factors clearly show the link between acoustics and sustainability. Acoustics can therefore have a significant impact upon the levels of carbon emissions, ventilation system and the level of embodied energy in the buildings frame and other factors affecting the sustainable architecture of a given building. With changes to Building Control Documents Part L and Part E, along with new client expectations, there is an increasing importance to ensure that building designs become more integrated and greener.

MACH Acoustics view is that the best way to overcome the limitations imposed by acoustics on sustainable buildings is to increase our knowledge base. This simple goal is therefore the aim of this blog. We aim to provide a point of reference where detailed information will be regularly uploaded relating to residential buildings and the code for sustainable homes. We will be looking at Eco buildings and acoustic materials which match requirements for sustainable building design. Ventilation systems including vented facades, acoustic ventilation louvers, attenuators within facades, passive house systems, heat recovery systems, exhaust stacks and other air ventilation system will be discussed over time.

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