
Wednesday, 8 September 2010

MACH Acoustics CPD Sessions

Knowledge, creativity and integrated designs are seen to be the three main factors in achieving low energy, functional and beautiful buildings. Integrated design requires the design team to have a good understanding of each other disciplines. To share some of MACH Acoustics knowledge and to encourage integrated designs, MACH Acoustics offer a range of Acoustic CPD (Continual Professional Development) sessions.

MACH Acoustics CPD’s are based around 20min modules and it is therefore possible to combine modules such to best suit your CPD requirements. The modules below have been arranged into clusters, which indicate MACH Acoustics' recommended combinations.

Vented Facades (20 min) This module demonstrates a range of schemes to achieve natural ventilation on noisy sites. The orientation of the building is addressed by means of videos and other visuals. A case study is provided for a naturally ventilated primary school sandwiched between the M4, M48 and an intercity train line. Four further case studies are also presented.

Cross Ventilation (20 min) A wide range of design principles are reviewed in the form of eight case studies. These case studies cover both the use of ventilation chimneys and cross ventilation to circulation spaces/atriums. The presentation also looks at Alternative Performance Standards to BB93 cross vent requirements, based upon MACH Acoustics paper presented at the Institute of Acoustics Conference.

Open Plan Teaching Spaces (20 min) The design concepts used to deliver two highly successful and creative open plan teaching spaces, accommodating 60 to 90 pupils is presented. The presentation includes the effects of room layouts, acoustic treatments, acoustic screens, the use of audio visual solutions, as well as a range of design tools such to comply with BB93 ‘Acoustics Design for Schools’.

Alternatively, Room Acoustics and Office Acoustics (20 min) can be presented rather than Open Plan Teaching Spaces (20 min)


Sustainability and Acoustics (60min) – This CPD is based upon MACH Acoustics book ‘Sustainable Acoustics’. This CPD provides an insight into the effects of acoustics on low carbon buildings. The CPD starts with noise mitigation methods used in combination with vented facades. Noise maps and other details are all discussed in length within this section. Cross ventilation is seen to be an effective form of venting large spaces. The acoustic implication of chimneys and cross talk attenuators are therefore reviewed. Sound insulation can impact on the sustainability of a building hence timber structures and performance standards, along with auralization (audio simulation of spaces before they are built) is presented. Finally, the use of sustainable recycled products and room acoustic treatments is reviewed.

Acoustics (20 min) This module covers the basic principles of acoustics. dB, doubling of sound level, background noise, the sound insulation of block and stud walls, flanking details, structure borne noise and room acoustics are all covered. Explanations are kept simple and a wide range of videos, audio demos and example details are used to explain acoustics. Due to its simplicity, this is one of our most popular modules.

Construction Details (20 min) MACH Acoustics Acoustics module is applied to drawings and details. This process is aimed at ensuring that designers do not make mistakes. The second half of this module presents a wide range of photographs taken across many sites. Key construction details are presented, from block work details, to service penetrations, hence this is a good site based CPD.

Room Acoustics and Office Acoustics (20 min) Soft treatments are important to provide a comfortable, functional environment in which to work, teach and relax in. The importance of soft treatments and alternatives to the uninspiring acoustic ceiling tiles are therefore the basis of this module. The performance of creative forms of room acoustic treatments is presented along with indicative quantities of treatment for different spaces.

Room Acoustics and Office Acoustics Extended (40 min) This module is an extended version of Room Acoustics and Office Acoustics in which additional case studies are presented. This module presents auralization and the benefits of this tool. Highly creative room acoustic treatments are also presented through case studies which include the Foreign Commonwealth Office – a listed building with exceptional acoustic challenges; an open plan Spa requiring high levels of privacy between treatment areas and the design of acoustic interactive spaces within The Eden Projects educational building. This module is seen to be a highly creative, architectural, concept led CPD and works well as a short presentation on its own, or combined with another 20min module.

In addition to the above modules, MACH Acoustics also have the following modules and we are more than happy to combine these with any of the modules listed above. We are also happy to create new material covering most subjects.

P20 – Part E (Building Regulations regarding Residential Dwellings) (20 min)

P60 – Student Accommodation (20 min)

P80 – Value Engineering (20 min)

If you require a CPD to be taken forwards, please feel free to contact Ze Nunes at MACH Acoustics by email ( or by phone on 07730 590904.

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