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MACH Acoustics is a specialist acoustics consultancy providing acoustic design for all building types. We have developed into one of the leading acoustic consultants in the field of sustainable and creative acoustics. Our ethos is to constantly develop our understanding of acoustics and other disciplines, which is where this blog comes in. It covers areas of research that MACH is currently undertaking and examples of our forward thinking projects.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Case Study - St Peter's Primary School Discrete Facade
St Peters school is located in relatively close proximity to the M5 and as such, environmental noise levels are too high to allow for natural ventilation through openable windows. MACH Acoustics was employed by South Gloucestershire Council to provide a range of design options to prevent noise ingress into this classroom.
One of the unique elements of this project was a considerable slope across the site. The solution was to pile the site and use suspended slabs to form the classrooms. To provide an external play/learning area to each of the classrooms, a suspended timber deck was employed. The solution here was to accommodate the attenuator within bench seating. Air was brought in from under the timber decking and then cross vented across the classroom before being released at high levels on the quiet side of the building.
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