
Tuesday, 5 April 2016

TED Talks UWE, The Innovative Attitude - The Challenges of Being too Clever

TED talks, always inspiring to listen to, and here's Ze's from MACH Acoustics, presented in the series of The Innovative Attitude back in January 2016. He entitled it "The Challenges of Being too Clever" and as well as providing an insight into what it's actually like to identify a problem area, research and find solutions, this talk explains what it's like in practise to get your idea across to an audience of architects, contractors and engineers who up until now had no idea that their challenges could just be overcome. 

This presentation gives a snap shot of MACH's CPD style too - heavy enough on the engineering whilst being accessible to those who need and want to understand acoustics but who don't specialise in it. It makes us start appreciating sounds, environments and how much we take our hearing for granted without paying it that much attention. It also explains how we hear things and how this affects us in our work and non working lives - ears and sound have a big part to play in our well being.

Click on the link below to play the talk (not the image above).

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