
Friday, 8 July 2016

First Thursday Club, Bristol sponsored by Integral

This excellent networking opportunity for those professional in the construction industry is held monthly as the title implies, at Bristol's Colston Hall. Hosted by various sponsoring companies over a lunch time the event welcomes those from all associated professions - architects, engineers, contractors and has been described as a "leaning in group". Having attended this meeting for a few years now MACH Acoustics would definitely agree. Not only is it a good place to make new contacts, but the benefits from meeting up with like minded people and sharing ideas and knowledge are enormously valued.

Martin Hathaway, Clarkenbond Director and also one of the founding members of the FTC says of the event "Thanks to all friends old and new who join us, it's good to see that the FTC continues to attract movers and shakers in Bristol and the surrounding areas".

This month saw an attendance of over 150 and was sponsored by Integral. After an interesting address the ever popular prize draw took place. MACH Acoustics is pleased to be working currently with Integral on Redcliffe Parade in Bristol and having the opportunity to discuss projects in an informal setting over lunch seems a good way to make work even more enjoyable.

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